Sexy Broken Space Mercenaries Wikia

This is a timeline of what has happened in the game universe. Please add more details!


  • Humans spread over a bunch of the galaxy
  • Ancient galactic empire (name??) took over a lot of that
  • Ancient galactic empire fell
  • Mongol horde style fleet remains of old order, centered around The Forge of Helios, and eventually forms The Empire
  • The Republic forms
  • The territories of The Empire and The Republic begin to bump up against each other, but all out war is avoided.

Season 1[]

  • The B-Team is hired by the Empire to keep Republic-hired mercenaries, Whitehorse, from taking over.
  • B-Team blows up a space elevator
  • B-Team defects from the Empire and get hired by the Republic. They meet Rayette Jackson.
  • Members of B-Team start being corrupted by Stem, then known as The Bioforge.
  • Giant showdown between imperial guards (and Invictus) against the B-Team.
  • B-Team winds up in control of Groomsh. Invictus is killed.

Season 2[]

  • B-Team and Groomshi forces go on the offensive and plan to attack the Kal-Maran system.
  • High ranking Eeker named Kereager captured, subjected to bizarre dream torture. Becomes false memory besties with Hans.
  • Invasion of Kal-Maran. Imperial forces arrive and B-Team pulls out, leaving a ground war ongoing and the Mandrake fleet to deal with space combat.
  • Hermia and Brad get kidnapped and taken to a Jedi research facility.
  • Hermia rescued. Dr. Gloop sacrifices doctorself and dies. Forge of Helios captured by B-Team.
  • Empress Katharine becomes a god and attacks Groomsh.
  • After Brad teleports much of the population of Tambourlaine onto Helios, Hermia blind jumps the fleet into deep space.

Season 3[]

  • B-Team find themselves in orbit around a planet populated by a sentient species.
  • First contact is made by way of a simultaneous shit-show of a talk-show, and Rayette Jackson negotiating a deal with authorities.
  • Hermia and Pax go to wild west planet and meet a psychic spider that turned out to be a Flaboon.
  • Forge of Helios is hacked by skeleton.crew, an apparent hacker/hacktivist group.
  • the B-Team, led by Braithwaite, conquers Planet Braithwaite. Braithwaite declares that no one else may be named Braithwaite, and changes his name to Braithwaite I.
  • The B-Team goes to explore Galatea, the lab that built Pax. They find a cloud of mass made up almost entirely of STEM related organisms. They discover Tom is there, and a battle with the Jedi stewards of the STEM clouds ensues.